If you are in need of financial assistance, please call the Church Fund:
Phone: (410)-758-0129
If you are in need of food assistance when Our Mother's Pantry is closed, please call the Church:
Phone: (410)-758-0143 ext.3
and leave your name, the time and date of your call and a number where you can be contacted. Someone will return your call within 24 hours.
Our Mother's Pantry is open on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of every month from 4PM to 6PM.
Please remember the food pantry as you shop this week. Needed items include canned meat and tuna, cereals, canned fruit, boxed potatoes, toilet tissue, dish and laundry detergent, toothpaste and so much more. Collection basket is at the church entry.
You can reach the Outreach Committee at:
The Backpacks for Kids program has over a dozen volunteers who pack bags of food each week for forty Centreville Elementary children who are food-insecure for the weekend. Included in the bag are breakfast, luncheon, snack, fruit, and juice items. Donations of individually wrapped foods are most welcome. Oatmeal packets, toaster pastries, canned pasta with meat sauce, soup, mac and cheese cups, fruit cups, 6 oz 100% fruit juice boxes, etc. can always be used. Collection boxes are at the entry of the churches or in the kitchen at Corbaley Hall.
Our food pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month from 4 to 6 pm. It serves our community and works with the local offices of Social Services and the Dept of Housing & Community Services. The office of Social Services is located at 125 Comet Drive near the Food Lion in Centreville. They also have a food pantry. Please obtain a referral from Social Services, and bring it with you when you visit our food pantry.