Responsibilities include setting up for Mass, taking care of the altar linens, and discarding old flower arrangements.
If you are interested in helping out with this ministry, please contact Susan Boone, 410-758-0793
Children in Grades 4 and up are invited to join this ministry of serving during weekend Liturgies and other special occasions. Adults are also welcome to serve! Training is required and offered through the parish.
Please contact Yvette Baggs - 410-758-0143 ext. 4
Participants in this ministry are responsible for preparing and proclaiming the readings at weekend Liturgies. Training is required and offered through the parish. Persons who wish to join this ministry should contact Mary Wood, 410-758-0143 ext. 5.
Participants in this ministry must be confirmed members of the Catholic faith, and be at least 16 years of age. Training is required and offered through the parish. If you wish to become a participant in this ministry, please contact Fr. Clem Manista, 410-758-0143 ext.1 or
"To sing is to pray twice" is a quote attributed to St. Augustine. "We always need more choir members" is a quote attributed to our music director, Cathy Emory! If you are capable of making a joyful noise that sounds at all melodic, then you are invited to become part of this ministry as a choir member, a cantor, or a member of our newly formed Youth Band! Please click on the Music tab at the top of this page under the Ministries heading.
Participants are responsible for greeting parishioners and visitors to Mass, finding seating for Mass attendees, keeping an accurate count of attendance at the Masses, and coordinating the collection and offertory procession. For more information or to join this ministry, please contact Fr. Clem Manista, 410-758-0143 ext.1 or
Zacchaeus counted the money, and so can you if you offer your time and talent to assist in this ministry! Money counters meet following the weekend Masses to count the collection. A background check is required to serve in this ministry. Please contact the office for more information: 410-758-0143 Ext. 3